Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What if we control gas prices instead of other countries.?

Would that makes our prices go down if we controled everything, instead of china, and other countries. It's a rip off paying 3:25 a gallon.What if we control gas prices instead of other countries.?
Then the people that live in this country that own the foreign oil companies would make less money. They don't want that. Ask Cheney.What if we control gas prices instead of other countries.?
It is indeed a rip-off paying $3.25 a gallon, and the crooks are us. If environmental degradation caused by burning gasoline were fairly priced, gasoline price should be well above $10 a gallon...
First of all, how would you (the US) conspire to totally control the price of oil? Do you seriously think that China would let you simply do that?

You pay $3.25/US gall, and that is a lot less than most of the rest of the world. I wish you could all appreciate how much the rest of the world pays. In Melbourne, Australia, we are paying $AUD 1.40+ per litre, and you are payin $AUD 0.97 a litre (yes, I checked the exchange rates and volume conversions). In Europe, they pay a lot more.

I guess it is frustrating seeing you all complain about petrol prices when you apy a lot less and generally drive larger vehicles.

Your rip-off is relative, but I think it would also be best if the US had no control on fuel prices: then you would pay your fair share.

Oh, and I would stop complaining about China gaining control of resources such as oil: they can afford to buy them. The US really no longer can. as for manufacturing, there is no way that the US can ever compete with Asia, especially China.
First of all, the federal and state governments tax each gallon of gasoline that is purchased. So much so that the federal government makes more on gasoline than the oil companies. So, though not controlling the price of gasoline, the federal and states that tax gasoline certainly do influence the price to the consumer.

Government control is not the answer. We need additional energy sources. We should explore for energy in ANWR as well as offshore in the Gulf. We should also build more refineries. The environmentalists have virtually stopped us from these two measures that would increase our oil supply.
Its called supply and demand. We dont have the supply to keep up with domestic demand. have you never herd of the oil crisis in the 70's? The United States actually did this. Gas was higher than ever and you couldn't get it unless it was your day to buy gas. Remember we are a customer buying oil not the other way around. 3/4's of the price is the oil price. The rest is taxes. Also we buy oil from the middle east not China. China just builds all of our crap for us.

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