Saturday, August 21, 2010

Was the price of gasoline fairly reasonable the day before the Democrats took control of Congress?

YEP ! .......And Congress CONTINUES to stand in the way of any solutions.......all most libs know is..... B BU BU BUT BUSH.....Was the price of gasoline fairly reasonable the day before the Democrats took control of Congress?
Does it really matter who was in control of Congress? The government cant control the price of oil. Opec does and with China and India buying up all the oil there isnt enough of a supply to keep the price down, Hence the term SUPPLY AND DEMAND. What we need is a president that is as determined to get us to the moon but instead be determined to break our dependence on foreign oil. As far as oil is concerned I dont think the price will ever drop, its just going to keep raising.Was the price of gasoline fairly reasonable the day before the Democrats took control of Congress?
the democrats,and enviromentalist friends have blocked every effort to expand energy exploration. they think we NEED to pay more in order to force us to conserve. ask a democrat politician what the price of a loaf of bread,gallon of gas and gallon of milk is and i bet they cant tell you.
No it was reasonable when i got my license when i was 16 years old that was back in 73 when they was having gas wars . You could get gas for 25 to 35 cents a gallon. Then the same year Arabs would not sell oil to any country that supported Israelis then found out that they could control the prices and raise them at a whim and there still raising them until this day . It has nothing to do with Dem's or reps
Depends on your definition of reasonable. Funny how you imply in ALL your questions that the woes of this nation are the responsibility of the Democrats.

Another typical whining Republican.

Get educated just a little before posting anymore moronic questions.
It still is, gas prices in the U.S. are about half what they pay in Europe, the prices have been going steadily up since we went into Iraq, and if Bush gets his way and we invade Iran they could hit $5 pg by this time next year, which will still be less than they pay in Europe.
Yes, and it's those evil Democrats raising the levels of oil usage in India and China. Because...because...because...well, they just are. Shhh! It's a big Democratic conspiracy.

Aren't your right-wingers big on conspiracies rather than thinking?
Will someone tell Christopher G that the Dems haven't done jack squat to change the price of oil downwards. Rome wasn't built in a day, my left butt cheek. Pelosi and Reid are pathetic, and only voted in due to voter annoyance. They'll be voted out this November.
It's the Republicans fault, that's why the people elected the Democratic Congress.
Hey Polaris, you are asking a lot of really great questions. You are right on target. The Congress sunk to a new low when the Dems took control.
Yes its almost like the oil monsters are trying to strong arm them by racking up the price on America. Stupid oil monster.
Vote McCain. Ensure the Democrats have a Veto proof majority in 2010.
democrats didn't have any power back then. it's all bush's fault gas is so high.

democrats 2008
What do you expect from two years ago. Everything went up.
was there a war in Iraq bush started the day the democrats were voted in??????
While Nero fiddled Rome buned.
November 6, 2006 it was $ 2.19 in Dallas
May I respectfully request that you address your question to Ms. Nancy Pelosi.
Looks like the democrats' lead is losing steam... Or should I say gas?
Yeah. For sure.
Yes, if I recall it was in the mid $2s.
Yes, it was.
It was about $2 per gallon.

I thought they were to make a difference? What happened to that change?
What, may I ask, has one thing got to do with another?

The price of oil is based on supply and demand and OPEC and the CEO's morning temperature at Exxon and in how much conflicts Bush send the Pentagon.

The congress has absolutely nothing to do with it.
no it was out of control and rising at an alarming rate but the democrats have been working hard to try and get it under control. Rome wasn't built in a day

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