Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Has any President's approval ratings dropped this fast since Carter got rid of the price controls on gasoline?

Well it is a sign that the American public was not hood winked as badly as first suspected and that the ';hope and change'; they thought has not come out as expected.

Even the democrat controlled congress is having second thoughts in supporting the various socialist programs that are trying to be forced on America and its people.

Oh and by the way Sheldon, please cut and paste something new!

GM owned by the US and Chinese government is not a good thing, Chrysler owned by the second worst car company in the world is not a good thing.Unemployment higher than it has been in 30 years is not a good thing, Debt to China who in affect now own the US is not a good thing, Debt higher than EVER before in the history of the country is not a good thing. The stock market up to thousands of points lower than in 20 years is not a good thing, The GDP down lower than in years is not a good thing.Has any President's approval ratings dropped this fast since Carter got rid of the price controls on gasoline?
President Obama has prevented the 2nd Great Depression.

This is the single greatest economic miracle of all time %26amp; that is no exaggeration!

[Leading economic indicators like new housing starts, factory orders and new mortgage activity prove it.]

And now, consumer spending [70% of the economy] is also up.

Oh, and those banks paid back the TARP money early WITH INTEREST!

[I know, employment, right? That is the LAST thing to recover, ask any economist. Be patient]

He is winning back America's foreign friends that Bush alienated

He is getting us out of Iraq, the wrong war

He is putting assets back into Afghanistan, the RIGHT war.

He WILL find a way to shut down Guantanamo.

He is ending torture, making sure the world knows it,

In short, He is DOING HIS JOB!

He even told GM %26amp; Chrysler to shape up or ship out

all this in less than his first 6 months!

Soon, we will all have health care too!

ALL of our presidents should be so awfulHas any President's approval ratings dropped this fast since Carter got rid of the price controls on gasoline?
remember Carter years?

72% taxes on ALL business, 69% tax on all individuals making more than 200 thou a yar.

hmmm... seems familar doesnt it!
The rating on any given date will be what they will be.

What will the ratings be after Obama made his racist statements against white policeman Crowley in support his black racist friend Gates who is a Harvard University professor.

He was at 90% after 9/11 and dropped almost 70 points!

Yes. What's your point?
Way too much Federal spending. Socialism is on the way. This situation scares me. I wonder who will win the next Presidential election - it should be very interesting.
That's a trick question right? You DO recall our previous President and his ever sinking approval ratings, right?
This is not fast.

The approval rating of Bush Sr just after the first Iraq war was fast. This is not.
Maybe it's time for the Obots to break out the life jackets.
Yeah, Bush's
That means One Term Barry is a lame duck president after six months in office.

i see priti has had some koolaid ...
President Obama has prevented the 2nd Great Depression.

This is the single greatest economic miracle of all time %26amp; that is no exaggeration!

[Leading economic indicators like new housing starts, factory orders and new mortgage activity prove it.]

And now, consumer spending [70% of the economy] is also up.

Oh, and those banks paid back the TARP money early WITH INTEREST!

[I know, employment, right? That is the LAST thing to recover, ask any economist. Be patient]

He is winning back America's foreign friends that Bush alienated

He is getting us out of Iraq, the wrong war

He is putting assets back into Afghanistan, the RIGHT war.

He WILL find a way to shut down Guantanamo.

He is ending torture, making sure the world knows it,

In short, He is DOING HIS JOB!

He even told GM %26amp; Chrysler to shape up or ship out

all this in less than his first 6 months!

Soon, we will all have health care too!

ALL of our presidents should be so awful.
No, not as far as the ';strongly disapprove'; numbers are concerned.

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